4th Annual Conclave


Novotel Mumbai International Airport

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The world of HR is undergoing a remarkable evolution, driven by rapid technological advancements. In this digital era, the marriage of HR and technology is not just advantageous; it is essential for organizations to remain competitive, resilient, and adaptable. The need for technology in the HR landscape has never been more crucial, and this is precisely what RethinkHR 2023 Mumbai edition aims to address. HR led the way in transforming work models, boosting accountability for employee well-being and equity, and expanding the boundaries of what leaders previously thought their people, systems, and technologies could achieve.


  • Cutting-Edge Knowledge: Gain insights from industry leaders, innovators, and technology
  • Experts on the latest HR tech trends and best practices.
  • Speed Connect: An exclusive speed dating format designed for recruitment agencies and academic institutions to meet their prospected clients through this engagement
  • Workshop: Masterclass by an industry expert with certification
  • Networking: Connect with fellow HR professionals, share experiences, and learn from real-world case studies that showcase successful technology implementations.
  • Future-Ready: Leave the conference with a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate the evolving HR landscape, prepared to lead your organization into a technology-driven future.

An exclusive speed dating format designed for recruitment agencies and academic institutions to meet their prospected clients through this engagement.

Challenges in HR

HR digital transformation

The last decade has seen HR digital transformation scale across organizations as companies upgrade their legacy processes and systems to new cloud technologies. These new technological developments help automate manual processes, drive innovation, and enable employee efficiency and productivity. Although digital transformation isn’t the sole responsibility of a specific department– and neither is digital dexterity– the burden of creating application onboarding, reskilling, and upskilling training content and courses for building digital dexterity skills falls on the HR and L&D departments.

Employee engagement and development

Employee engagement is an ongoing concern for HR professionals, as keeping employees engaged is critical to a business’s success. When employees find their jobs challenging, engaging, and rewarding, they’re more likely to stick around and invest themselves in their work. However, the lack of guidance and leadership development results in conflicts, disagreements, poor relationships, and an unhealthy work environment.

Employee health and well-being

Employee health and safety standards are probably one of the more apparent human resource challenges. These concerts are not only governed by labor law, but they’re also crucial to general employee well-being. The psychological well-being of employees can deteriorate due to high demands, limited time, frustration, and burnout.

Managing diversity

Globalization is affecting every business in every part of the world and comes with its own HR challenges, such as managing diverse cultures in a local team or addressing the requirements and experience of employees of different ages, genders, nationalities, or ethnicities. Start by evaluating the state of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) in your workplace, and set clear goals for diversity expansion. Assign key results and clear ownership for each set objective and put resources against each objective so their owners can deliver the results you need.

Reskilling and upskilling

Keeping up with the pace of digital transformation is a significant challenge faced by HR because integrating the latest technologies not only brings powerful business opportunities but also creates challenges and skill gaps for the current workforce. Reskilling the employees to learn new skills to move into a different job role within an organization or to meet the new demands of a current role.

The 5 Strategic Priorities For The Future Of HR

Need for Cybersecurity
Most HR departments have widely adopted the HRMS, and there is a need to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency. However, regardless of the company size, cyber security breaches are destructive and could cost the organization a fortune. Emerging trends in HRM need HR managers to understand how to secure their data through cybersecurity measures.

Attracting and retaining talent will be the hot commodity in 2023. However, companies will have to stretch far beyond employee engagement to retain their frontline workforce going forward. This means now is the time to listen to your frontline employees.
Knowing and acting on their pain points, top motivators, and essential needs will go miles in retaining the staff you need to stay

The Transition from Employee Well-being to “Healthy Organization”

A holistic and more inclusive enterprise-wide approach to well-being. This concept goes beyond the physical health and safety of the
employees and aims at providing more flexibility and opportunities for their training and empowerment. One in four employees globally report experiencing symptoms of burnout also the gap between employer and employee perceptions of well-being at work and identified a strong correlation between toxic work cultures and burnout.

Employee Well-being

HR are now more concerned of their employee’s health and well- being. From organizing various engaging activities to ensuring their safety, organizations are trying to maintain a work life balance between work and home.

People Analytics and Automation Are on The Rise

Expanding the use of big data in HR has been on the rise for quite some time. Especially given the digital transformation seeping its way across all aspects of human resources. With businesses doing more with less in the talent arena, people analytics is getting the spotlight it deserves. However, HR professionals need tools and education at their fingertips to make data-driven decisions that make a positive impact. Automation will also take center stage in HR operations in 2023. Things like chatbots, streamlined workflows, artificial intelligence, automated onboarding processes, and instant manager approvals will make everyone’s lives easier. The future of automation and people analytics in HR will look different for all organizations. However, the top trends in HR will certainly save time and boost efficiencies when human resources teams need it most. 

Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Stays at The Forefront

2021 HR trends focused on elevating workplace diversity and adopting an inclusive company culture. 2023 is expected to be the same – especially as it’s becoming an essential piece to an attractive employee experience. Workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to any company culture that wants to thrive in the next economy. Not only because it empowers employees to proudly bring their life experiences to the workplace. It also makes businesses more competitive in the labor market. In 2023 and beyond, workplace diversity will continue to play a critical role in retaining valuable talent. Currently, 70% of companies believe they effectively attract and retain diverse employees, yet only 11% really understand what it is.

4th Annual ReThinkHR Conclave 2023 - 24

We at Sapphire Connect believe that an organization is only as good as the changes it works upon as change being the only constant, for sustaining and thriving, organizations in the coming years need to be avant-garde and mutable, looking beyond the perspective of their financial goals and becoming more employee centric shall pave the way to maneuver through trying times and pandemic. ‘Cooperate’ The current need of the hour is for the HR to collaborate cooperate conjoin to adapt the new trends and technologies as well has behavioral changes, and influence HR tech solutions across the employee life cycle for constructing an operative Human Resources environment right from erudition to talent procurement, from management of performance and all the way to workforce efficiency for better production of yield.

In this milieu, we, with pride announce the 4th Annual ReThinkHR Conclave 2023 centered on the theme “De-Code, Discover & Determine: The Quantum Shift of HR” aims to decipher the functioning modalities and customs of processes being goal centric, breaking through all the biases of the peripheral navies and stepping towards the vision and mission laid down by the organization.

Key Highlights of the Conclave

Get insights on how to drive cross-functional responsibility and organizational performance through talent

Recognize the critica skills gap and how to overcome it through constant Learning and development

Gain insights on how the growing importance on diversity and inclusion

Learn about new HR technology that can ensure success during the entire technology life cycle, from strategy and selection

Seek insights on how to overcome employee data and transparency concerns through ethical data collection techniques for talent management

Decode strategies in Talent acquisition and recruiting for enabling a high-impact candidate experience and employment brand

Understand the importance of rewards and recognitions and how to shape rewards packages to address a growing emphasis on employee psychological and physical well-being

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