About Us


The world of HR is undergoing a remarkable evolution, driven by rapid technological advancements. In this digital era, the
marriage of HR and technology is not just advantageous; it is essential for organizations to remain competitive, resilient,
and adaptable. The need for technology in the HR landscape has never been more crucial, and this is precisely what RethinkHR 2023-24 Bengaluru edition aims to address.

HR led the way in transforming work models, boosting accountability for employee well-being and equity, and expanding the boundaries of what leaders previously thought their people, systems, and technologies could achieve. RethinkHR Conference 2023-24 delivers must-have HR insights, strategies, and technology optimization guidance for chief human resources officers (CHROs) and HR leaders to expand their professional networks At RethinkHR 2023-24, we understand HR professionals’ challenges in navigating this transformative landscape, from attracting top talent in a globalized market to fostering employee engagement during remote and hybrid work environments. Our event is designed to equip you with the tools, knowledge, and strategies to harness the power of technology for your HR initiatives.

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Who should attend?


Head of HR

Head of L&D

Head of Talent Acquisition

Head of D&I

Want to Register today?

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What’s in store for you?

Make your profile. Raise your connections. Spread the word. Reinforce awareness. Get recognized through our made-to-order exhibition and sponsorship packages.

OPPORTUNITY – Seek growth opportunity by increasing your brand awareness and bringing your brand under spotlight as a key player in the market. Make your brand known not just among employers but among employees. 

SPONSOR – Let your brand talk about who you are and what you do by seeking a top spot in partnership with us. Let people know about your latest developments, technology and solutions as your showcase it your direct decision makers with purchasing power.

EXHIBIT – Exhibit your services and products through one-on-one interaction with the key decision makers as they pay visit to your booth.

CONNECT – Take part in our exclusive one-of-its-kind-opportunity titled SPEED CONNECT where the recruitment agencies and universities strike the chord with a range of leading employment partners (organizations). Let the employment partner know about you and your services through pre-scheduled one-on-one meeting on the day of the event and become part of their hiring process.

Who should sponsor & Exhibit?

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